With the Qt signal and Qt slot concept, Qt takes a slightly different approach. Second is, the Callback is permanently linked to the function to be executed because the Function needs to know which callback is to be called. To the one they are not type-safe (one is never sure that the currently executing Function calls the callback with the correct arguments). However, such callbacks have two minor flaws. Such a callback is nothing but a simple pointer on a function. Many graphical toolkits use them for communication between the widgets, often a callback function. Presented a new dialog for opening a file. an “Open” button, a corresponding function is called, which may be used.
So widgets are in the program linked to a function that is executed as soon as the user activated this with a click of the mouse. when clicking a button), if you want to inform another widget about it. Qt Signals and Slots-GUI programming always follows the same principle: If, for example, a widget has changed (e.g.