The story of QUIET RIOT begins in 1980 when Kevin DuBrow formed a new band under his own name, working with Frankie Banali and a variety of musicians over the next few years before signing with Pasha/CBS Records, reverting back to the QUIET RIOT moniker, and entering the studio with new guitarist Carlos Cavazo and bassist Chuck Wright to start work on a new album.
The lineup is composed of QUIET RIOT guitarist ALEX GROSSI, vocalist JIZZY PEARL and is now joined by Type O Negative drummer JOHNNY KELLY. As per the wishes of Frankie Banali who passed away in 2020, and the Banali estate QUIET RIOT continues its historic journey in 2022.
Legendary bassist and Metal Health founding member RUDY SARZO has returned QUIET RIOT after almost a 20 year absence. Famously described as the first heavy metal band to top the pop chart at #1 on Billboard magazine, the Los Angeles quartet became an overnight sensation thanks to their monster 1983 smash album Metal Health.